BY the humans Sun, 11 Dec 2011
We had not been there in a while. This is the park we take Kaiju after the swimming sessions, and we have not been to Flowdog in a while.
Kaiju was happy. He pounced on some holes like a little fox, zoomed across the field, jumped on our legs and butts, sat down and chewed on branches (“I swear he has thumbs” said Paul) while we stood around and waited, and asked for belly rubs by rolling on the grass.
Do other Shibas dislike wooden boardwalks? Kaiju definitely does. He always needs to “think about it” a lot before walking on it.
Oh, and we tried a bit of off leash time in the woods, although we were too nervous to let it go on for too long. Tagg before we feel more comfortable.
. We may need to get
Zuko is pretty fearless with bridges and wooden boardwalks, but anything metal (grating, manhole covers) he will contort himself to avoid. I avoid them too because I usually have some sort of silly heels on and don’t want to get stuck – so we aren’t sure if he picked it up from me when he was a puppy or if he’s a diva.
Hi Kaiju!!
I love your posts, I read them while my pop is out “working” He thinks I have thumbs too. We shibas are just that awesome. When I’m off leash my Pop puts a “cow” bell on my collar, that way he (and everything else) can hear me coming from a mile away!! Just a suggestion. Merry Christmas mi amigo.
Hi Yoshi! I don’t know what Thumbs are but we obviously don’t need it. We Shibas are very resourceful!