There is this brand-new dog park in the town next to ours. It has some fun features like tunnels, big stone steps, and a raised plank. Of course, Kaiju would not go into the tunnels nor go up on the plank, although he doesn’t mind the stone steps. He also gets nervous about noises coming from the factories nearby during the day, and stays alert which makes it tough for him to really let go and have fun.
So we have been going there late at night when it’s quieter. And since there are no other dogs usually at that time of the day, we have to run around ourselves to get Kaiju excited enough to play. It’s a pain, but serves the purpose when we really don’t want to go too far but want to let him off-leash outside.
We made a trip to this park tonight. Very unfortunately, even though it was late night, there were some big trailer trucks moving about in the adjacent lot. Kaiju was too distracted to even chase us no matter how much we tried. Soon, we were exhausted. He was boring us to tears. So, instead, we decided to try to get him up on the wooden plank…
First, all three of us (Kaiju’s humunkle is visiting) walked up on the plank, stood in the middle of it, and called him cheerfully and repeatedly. Then we tried sitting on it and did the same. Kaiju looked up at us and ran around the plank as if to say “i don’t understand!! what do you want me to do??”. We then tried to meet him half way down on the ramp and lure him with treats. No such luck. So… well, the rest of the story can be viewed in the «video» below.
“Rocking Chair” by Mr. Scruff