BY kaiju   Thu, 30 Dec 2010

My twitter Shiba friends organized a Secret Santa for this Christmas. I know. Exciting!! I sent some gifts (singing reindeer and Shiba postcards from Japan) to Hoshi in DC.

I was away for a week and came home yesterday. And, there it was! The #secretshiba gifts from Snick!

It was nicely wrapped!

There was a very nice note under the wrapping paper!

It gets better. In the box, there was a duck with 5 squeaky eggs! FIVE! I like all the eggs. They are all mine. Yah, I’m watching you.

And the 2nd gift… Bite Meez Alligator! This thing is awesome. I get to actually bite it and fight it and it makes my humans laugh.

Thank you so much Snick! I hope we are doing this again next year.

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